1-3 DECEMBER, 2023

Dear Young Leaders
I am thrilled and honored to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you at the Tashkent International Model United Nations Conference 2023!
The Secretariat of Tashkent International Model United Nations Society expresses its distinct pleasure to invite you to join us for this momentous event, set to take place from December 1st to 3rd, 2023, in the vibrant capital city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Our conference is hosted by Westminster International University in Tashkent, the very first international university in Uzbekistan, situated in the heart of this beautiful city. Together, we are proud to present TIMUN 2023, the largest Model UN Conference in Central Asia, and a platform that will welcome nearly 600 participants from diverse corners of the globe.
TIMUN 2023 is not just another conference, it is a dynamic endeavor where 11 United Nations Committees will come to life, discussing critical global issues and proposing solutions that will be communicated to UN Agencies and the Government of Uzbekistan for potential implementation. This conference represents a unique and groundbreaking initiative, founded upon the "One UN" concept, bringing UN agencies together under the auspices of TIMUN. Our shared mission is encapsulated in the powerful slogan: "Together for a Better World, Together for SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind."
At TIMUN 2023, we believe in the paramount role of youth in shaping a brighter, more inclusive, and safer future for all of us. By participating, you will strengthen your diplomacy, leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills as well as broaden your horizons through networking and gain deeper insights into the global challenges that our world faces today. Most importantly, you will actively contribute to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals, playing a pivotal role in advancing the global agenda for a sustainable and equitable future.
I genuinely look forward to welcoming each one of you in the sunny, friendly, and colorful country of Uzbekistan. Together, let us embark on a journey of dialogue, understanding, and collaboration that has the potential to leave a lasting impact on our world. Your presence and active participation in TIMUN 2023 will not only enrich your own experiences but also contribute to the greater good of our global community.
Thank you for being part of this incredible endeavor, and I eagerly await the opportunity to meet and collaborate with you in Tashkent.
With warm regards,
Sherzod Rustamov
Tashkent International Model United Nations Society.